Wife of Bath appears to be the most powerful character because her character is described with all the minute details about her life and her way of life Olson 1987. The Wife of Bath is aware of her role in society and candid about how she has chosen to manipulate the system to be who she wants and get what she wants including money and possessions. 20 Describing Words And Example Sentences In English English Grammar Here I dont take baths much but if I do you best believe theres gonna be bubbles galore in that bath Bath bombs rule my favorite one turns the water black and sparkly and smells like peppermint 3. . The Wife of Bath is intriguing to almost anyone who has ever read her prologue filled with magnificent but for some preposterous statements. First of all the Wife is the forerunner of the modern liberated woman and she is the prototype of a certain female figure that often appears in later literature. Start studying The Wife of Bath...